The Priestess Codes Signature Program

Priestess Codes - Step into your Authentic Expression and become a Clear Channel for the Divine so that you Empower Yourself and this Planet.

Kat´s most intimate program for refined, big-hearted women yearning to activate their inner Priestess. Learn all her best secrets, witchy tools, practices and rituals with whom she has served the world and get the exact blueprint on how to do the same.

by Katharina Key

Welcome To

  • If you are in search of your life purpose and want to strengthen your connection to the divine and your highest self.

  • If you tend to emotionally bypass and have been trained to just be “love and light” yet you still don't feel better and want to finally master your emotions. 

  • If you want to discover all of Kat´s witchy tools, practices and intimate behind the scenes stories on how she stepped into her Inner Priestess.

  • If you feel like an “alien” in this world and you desire to understand the different parts of your soul, your human and why you are here. 

  • If you have been drawn to “witchy stuff” and you are ready to reconnect with your inner priestess, your wisdom, your intuition and your channeling abilities.

  • If you want to serve humanity with your divine gifts and start channeling for the highest good of all. 

  • If you are done playing small and want to remember who you really are so that you can claim back your feminine power, build safety and effortlessly express yourself.

What will you receive within Priestess Codes?

  • 10 x 90 mins Masterclasses via zoom with Teaching (time investment 2 hrs per week)

    10 Guided Meditations, Embodiment & Energetic Activations.

    3 Sister Council + Q&A Calls.

    Priestess Codes Hypnosis and Subliminals Reprogramming.

    Priestess Codes Embodiment Playlist.

    BONUS: 3 Priestess Initiation Masterclass Teachings (+3 hrs total)

  • 3 Featured Live Guest Speaker Calls with Teaching, Workbook, Q&A (90 mins each).

    Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Materials within Priestess Codes.

  • Interactive, mobile optimized Online Forum with Video, Audio, Workbooks and Bonus tools.

    Mighty Networks Group for Supportive Sisterhood, Deeper Connection and Worldwide Community Building.

What you will learn in this program:

  • How to clear your own energy channel to come back to your power and purity on a mental, emotional and physical level.


    What are first principles, how to find & use them to make aligned decisions.


    How to systematically release illusions and find your very own first principles.


    How to use the power of perspective and release any attachments and subconscious patterns that do not serve you anymore.


    Who is the inner critic / the negative critical voice in your head, why is it there and how to deal with it.


    Why your body is the key to access your subconsciousness and release trauma, blockages and stored resentment.


    What drives your subconscious life choices and how to change it.


    What is spiritual hygiene, why it is a non-negotiable practice and how to increase your inner beauty quotient and feminine radiance.


    How to incrementally increase your energy potential which leads to faster and higher value manifestations.


    Kat’s morning routine and her embodiment practices and how to create your own blueprint for embodiment, emotional mastery and self - leadership.


    Understand the emotional mastery concept (Frequency Vibration Pyramid) and why it is so important to feel every emotion that arises.


    Emotional self-mastery: how to hold space for yourself and how to move your vibrations so that you can serve the collective.


    How to move from a downward emotional spiral e.g.: depression, victimhood, doubt, frustration, anger to an upward emotional spiral e.g.: joy, desire, courage, purpose, love, acceptance, service

  • Learn in depth about your chakras system, why it is so important to clear it from blockages and how to do it effortlessly through Kat´s guided Chakra Clearing Meditation / Activation.


    Practice the root chakra activation and get your own divine codes on topics about life foundation, inner child, inner safety, physical needs, food related issues, period related issues etc.


    Practice the sacral chakra activation and get your own divine codes on topics about creativity, flow, contentment, desires, femininity and money.


    Practice the power chakra activation and get your own divine codes on topics about inner power that is not dependent upon outer circumstances, manifestation of your dreams and how to take back your power.


    Practice the heart chakra activation and get your own divine codes on topics of love, acceptance, processing grief, resentment and bridging heaven and earth.


    Practice the throat chakra activation and get your own divine codes on topics of speaking your truth, self-expression and the connection to your feminine channel.


    Practice the third eye and crown chakra activation and get your own divine codes on topics of seeing visions of truth, activating your spiritual gifts, cleansing your thoughts and initiating your own divine channel.


    What are earth elements and how you can use them in your rituals.


    Forgiveness Fire Ritual - the exact process on how to release and transform old, stuck energy.


    Rose Ritual - Access the code of unconditional love and imprint it into your systems.


    Pendulum Divination Ritual so that you receive answers to any questions you might have.


    Moon Ritual - supercharge and magnetize any desires you have through your moon blood as it is the most sacred and powerful tool for us women. How to use it wisely to build up your power with every moon cycle.

  • How to access and build up your own Priestess channel, connect with your spiritual team and navigate yourself when you get triggered while receiving the answers (downloads).


    How to set the boundaries when you are a hyper-sensitive empath practicing prayer, rituals and holding space for others.


    Learn how to trust yourself, trust your channel and trust your divine path.


    What is your inner channel, how to go through ascension, how to build and strengthen your inner channel and what problems you are solving for this world with your unique wisdom.


    Discover why you are here, how to ask for support from your spiritual team and how to discern whether you act from your divine channel vs. old patterns of the mind.


    How to know if you are on the right path.


    Understand the field of predictability vs. the field of potentiality (possibilities) and why you can always choose which one you want to play in.


    Healing the sisterhood wound and why women are energetically wired to stay together.


    Kat’s analogy of the Russian Doll and how the different layers of your energy body work together dismantling everything until the core of your heart is revealed.


    How to build inner mastery and why it will effortlessly dissolve your coping and numbing mechanism (food, alcohol etc.).

Your Investment To Become a Powerful Priestess?

You can decide, if you split your payment into 3 (1.800$x3) or 6 (900$x6) months options!

  • If you can show that you went through all Masterclasses, workbooks and materials provided and still don't see results, you can ask for a partial refund by sending an email to All other refunds are excluded due to the nature of online programs.

  • The Masterclasses are once per week 90 mins and how deep you want to dive into the workbooks and meditations is completely up to you. All tools are highly effective, time efficient and so much fun to apply.

  • The codes are built upon each other so we highly recommend you watch every Masterclass in correct order. In fact, we suggest you come back frequently and rewatch past Masterclasses as you will find new revelations the deeper you go. Even months/years after you have finished the program, the codes will continue working within your field as Kat offers a complete energetic rewiring in her programs.

  • No worries, you will have lifetime access to all material provided and can go through the teachings in your own divine timing.

If you have any remaining questions that are not answered here, you are welcome to send us a direct message on Instagram or email directly

I look forward to serving you from the depths of my heart.
Much love, Katharina.