The Healer Codes Signature Program

Healer Codes - Kat´s Universal Signature Healing Program that gives you every single Key Code you need to fully Heal Yourself back into Wholeness.

Healer Codes is the most extensive healing program the world has seen (+44 Masterclasses!). It will teach you everything you need to know about healing your mental, emotional and physical body. Kat´s own healing codes paired with her vast wisdom of being the Top Detox Expert for over a decade will be all revealed to you in this life-changing program. A must have if you want vibrant, holistic health for life!

by Katharina Key

Welcome To

  • If you feel you are always available for others when they are in need of healing but you tend to “suffer in silence” and have difficulties asking for help when you need it. 

  • If you have many “critical voices in your head” or you are a perfectionist at heart.

  • If you have (or had) an eating disorder and tend to soothe yourself with food whenever you feel down.

  • If you have been feeling suppressed in your sensuality, sexuality, and primal wild feminine nature and you deeply desire to reconnect with feeling free, fearless and turned on by life (your sacred eros).

  • If you have tendencies to block pleasure and self-sacrifice too much which results in holding past resentment, however, you desire to open your heart again and still choose love no matter how many times you have been hurt before (for the brave hearts).

  • If you tend to get stuck in your head and yearn to relax, reconnect and soften your whole body so that lifeforce can flow uninterrupted again.

  • If you desire to heal yourself holistically and want to understand the deeper energetic foundation of healing on all levels (energetically, mentally, emotionally and physically).

  • If you are on your own healing journey and have a strong desire to deepen your understanding of powerful healing methods as well as  increase your somatic frequency of self-love and self-worth.

  • If you have been feeling disconnected from your body and you experience tension, numbness, overwhelm or resistance, especially in challenging life situations. However, you have a strong desire to learn to let go and heal yourself back into ease, flow and love.

  • If you are an emphatic, sensitive woman and sometimes struggle with boundaries and keep overgiving to people. 

  • If you feel you have to “keep your guard up” and that it's not safe to open emotionally with other people, environments etc. or you sometimes struggle to not get too affected by other people's negative energies, moods etc.

What will you receive within Healer Codes?

  • 11 x 90 mins Masterclasses via Zoom with Teaching, Council + Q&A (time investment 2 hrs per week)

    11 Guided Meditations, Embodiment & Energetic Activations.

    Healer Codes Hypnosis and Subliminals Reprogramming.

    BONUS: Access to the FULL Happy Detox Program GOLD with Masterclasses, Q&A Calls, Workbooks, Subliminal Programming and so much more (for detailed information click here)

  • 2 Featured Live Guest Speaker Calls with Teaching, Workbook, Q&A (90 mins each).

    Lifetime 24/7 Access to All Materials within Healer Codes.

  • Interactive, mobile optimized Online Forum with Video, Audio, Workbooks and Bonus tools.

    Mighty Networks Group for Supportive Sisterhood, Deeper Connection and Worldwide Community Building.

What you will learn in this program:

  • The root cause of mental, emotional and physical “dis-eases”, where they are coming from and how chronic diseases are being created.


    How you can access the untapped life-healing potential inside of you to heal any discord energies that might be disrupting your field.


    What it means to heal holistically and why you are already healed.


    The exact energetic process that happens when you heal and how to know you are on your healing path.


    Why and how to increase your nervous system capacity so that you heal your body and manage everyday stress with so much more grace and ease.


    Identify your top most significant stressors and understand why you wanted/needed them in your life.


    Why your body is the key to access your subconsciousness and release trauma, blockages and stored resentment.


    Core inner child wounds, needs and wise inner child reparenting.


    Kat´s exact process of what to ask and how to get answers to heal any “dis-ease” or pain within the body and how to bring yourself back into the body.


    The role of releasing suppressed emotions in order to heal.

  • The importance of women's original blueprint and how to access it to empower yourself and the ripple effect on everyone around you (friend, family, partner, etc..)


    How to treat your body as a sacred temple and sanctuary.


    How to make authentic decisions as a woman to increase your flow, pleasure, love, and inner safety.


    Understand the role of daily rituals and prayer and how you can add them easily into your everyday routine.


    Kat´s exact water blessing tutorial - what to do and what not to do.


    Learn about embodiment and spiritual hygiene, how often to practice, why it is so important, and how to do it effortlessly while allowing your body to lead and show you the way towards healing.


    Learn embodiment for each body part e.g. releasing shoulder and hip pain and the deeper root cause of those etc.


    The exact process of what to do if you do not feel anything, how to practice to trust your emotions again as way showers.


    Recommendations on spiritual modalities and systems which can support you in understanding your unique soul blueprint and gifts- e.g. Human Design, Gene Keys, Vedic Astrology.


    The exact processes for ancestors healing to repair the relationship with your parents and ancestors.

  • Energetic throat, heart & womb clearing and activation.


    Ancient teachings of the red & white river within a woman's body and why it's so important to keep them flowing so that you stay radiant and healthy.


    Kat’s personal practice - how she works with her rivers on a daily basis and her top tips for practical use.


    Exact guidance on how to clear energetic blockages from your womb and heart and reconnect with your yoni.


    How to ease menstrual suffering - holistic energetic approach for PMS, period pain, endometriosis, and learn how you can heal the relationship to your menstrual blood.


    Learn about the most common mistakes women do to prevent a healthy body and how to correct them with Kat´s holistic health principles like sun, nutrition, supplements, movement and sleep.


    Learn why we have excess fat (e.g. cellulite and how to move it out of the body).


    Understand your different detox systems, especially the lymphatic system and how to properly take care of it to support its healthy flow and get rid of toxins more efficiently.


    Why is consistent and personalized nutrition key and how can you appreciate your unique body and thrive effortlessly when it comes to health.


    Kat´s top body secrets: what she does yearly, ½ yearly, ¼ yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily to glow and stay fit all year round (prevention is key). Learn about all her products, services and biohacks.


    Kat´s top beauty tips for healthy skin, nails and hair - all her secrets and products.


    How to choose the right holistic workout for yourself and how to align it perfectly with your moon cycle.

Your Investment To Heal Yourself?

You can decide, if you split your payment into 3 (1.800$x3) or 6 (900$x6) months options!

  • If you can show that you went through all Masterclasses, workbooks and materials provided and still don't see results, you can ask for a partial refund by sending an email to All other refunds are excluded due to the nature of online programs.

  • The Masterclasses are once per week 90 mins and how deep you want to dive into the workbooks and meditations is completely up to you. All tools are highly effective, time efficient and so much fun to apply.

  • The codes are built upon each other so we highly recommend you watch every Masterclass in correct order. In fact, we suggest you come back frequently and rewatch past Masterclasses as you will find new revelations the deeper you go. Even months/years after you have finished the program, the codes will continue working within your field as Kat offers a complete energetic rewiring in her programs.

  • No worries, you will have lifetime access to all material provided and can go through the teachings in your own divine timing.

If you have any remaining questions that are not answered here, you are welcome to send us a direct message on Instagram or email directly

I look forward to serving you from the depths of my heart.
Much love, Katharina.