Value Packed Starter Queen Codes Masterclass 99$!

Evolve into your Queen Archetype by integrating the fragmented parts of your inner little girl.

Who is this for?

  1. You feel that you have to play so many roles (and it exhausts you to be a mother, businesswoman, housewife, sexy lover etc) and you have not yet found access to your authentic inner Queen Archetype
    that naturally achieves more while doing less.

  2. You still try to prove that you’re worthy in all areas of your life like love, business and relationships.

  3. You are lacking masculine structure and/or it's “overdeveloped” in your life
    (no discipline at all or full “to-do lists” with no space to breathe).

  4. You’re not trusting the men coming into your life.

  5. You feel you need to „do“ something to be loved, but secretly desire to have
    the allure of a Queen without “doing” anything.

  6. You want to understand and overcome your self-doubt, low self-worth and finally
    start feeling good enough and secure in this world.

  7. You are an emphatic, sensitive woman with a big heart and sometimes feel you
    “give too much and receive too little”

In this powerful 90 mins Masterclass + Q&A + Meditation, Katharina shares her golden key codes on integrating the fragmented, immature expressions of yourself in order to step into your authentic inner Queen Archetype. She explains why these hurt lower parts are blocking your full radiance, magnetism and power as the Queen of your life and how to heal those parts back into love. If you have been longing to fully step into your true feminine power and receive more love, provision and inner child healing, this Masterclass will teach you everything you need to know.

What you will learn in this Masterclass:

  • Integrate & decode the different (fragmented) parts of yourself to heal your little girl & entitled princess aspects so that you can fully grow up and become the Queen you are destined to be.

  • How to stop being a people pleaser and how you take back your power.

  • Your personal ancestral lines: where your blockages, traumas & wounds are coming from and deep wisdom on healing karma.

  • The role of your caretakers while growing up (father & mother wound).

  • Your Own Inner Child Archetype and how it plays a role until today in keeping you stuck from growing into your Inner Queen Archetype.

  • Understand where your problems are coming from and what is holding you back from embodying your Inner Queen.

  • Learn how everything is interconnected and the different parts of your brain that run the show in your current life. 

  • What it means to be „triggered“ and the role of repressed emotions in your relationships.

  • Different attachment styles and knowing you have a safe attachment style with yourself and others.

  • The role of the divine masculine and the divine feminine while growing up.

What you will get in a nutshell:

  1. 90 mins video of the Queen Codes Signature Masterclass, so you can take your power back as the Queen of your life.

  2. Including additional Q&A: Learning from real life women’s questions and Kat’s
    in-depth answers.

  3. Kat´s “Heart-Womb” Meditation.

  4. Lifetime access, if you choose to invest in your highest feminine power
    (Kat highly recommends watching this Masterclass several times as new codes and layers of understanding will open up the more your consciousness evolves).


I’m Ready To Take Back My Power!

  • Payment plans are only available for full programs and year-long memberships. However, the value of the Masterclasses exceeds the investment and is designed to give you a great first “look and feel” for the potency of Kat´s work.

  • This Masterclass is a high-quality recording that holds Kat´s potent codes even though she is not hosting it live. You have lifetime access and can watch the recording in your own perfect time. If you wish personal access, check out the Master Codes Membership or our Free Sisterhood.

  • You will find all materials in your Thinkific Dashboard after you go through the purchasing process. Additionally, you will have lifetime access to all materials provided.